Final Fantasy 16 takes place in Valisthea, land reliant on the Mothercrystals for aether and keeping the dreaded Blight at bay. Control of these crystals means control of power, though there’s another factor at play: the Dominants.

Dominants are the human embodiment of Eikons, essentially the summon spirits of Final Fantasy. They often act as advisors or rulers, depending on the realm.

For example, The Grand Duchy of Rosaria is home of the Phoenix Dominant and his family. It’s is a small collection of united provinces dependent on another kingdom’s nearby Mothercrystal, and the Dominant acts as ruler.

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque is the exact opposite, a warring nation whose Dominant wields their powers in battle. Other nations, such as the Iron Kingdom, revile their Dominants and execute them on sight.

Dominants awake to the spirit of their Eikon at an early age and are chosen by that Eikon. Clive Rosfield of the Grand Duchy was expected to be the next Phoenix Dominant, but the duty fell to his younger brother Joshua instead.

Clive resolves to be his brother’s Shield, the Dominant’s official defender, and receives a fraction of Phoenix’s power in return.

Joshua, meanwhile, regrets the Eikon choosing him instead of his stronger, more able brother. Events take a turn for the worst after Ifrit, the dark Eikon, upends the brothers’ lives and sets Clive on a path of vengeance.

They aren’t alone, though. Jill Warrick is the brothers’ closest friend and confidant, a sister in all but blood. Jill was sent to the Duchy as a peace offering from the Northern Territories, but despite her role as political pawn, she was warmly accepted into the Rosfield home.

That’s it for the new Final Fantasy 16 characters and world news, but producer Naoki Yoshida promises another, more substantial update in 2021. Final Fantasy 16 is currently a PlayStation 5 exclusive, though has an unspecified release date.

[Source: Square Enix]

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