With the highly anticipated Remake on its way, a group of Final Fantasy 7 fans at Singapore-based PD Design Studio has created their own remake of Final Fantasy 7, a labor of love which they have titled Final Fantasy 7: Re-Imagined. Square-Enix’s Final Fantasy 7 HD remake is intended for current-gen consoles, this Final Fantasy 7 remake takes inspiration from Double Dragon and other 2D beat-em-ups for a highly nostalgic brawler throwback. The makers of Final Fantasy 7: Re-Imagined have even came up with ways to add more Final Fantasy 7 elements like Materia and Guardian Forces.
You can check out Final Fantasy 7: Re-Imagined at the group’s website here, where they even have a playable demo up.
Final Fantasy 7: Re-Imagined will let you play as either Cloud or Tifa, with Barrett accessible as fire support via the charging blue bar. Midgar’s gritty blues, greens and grays make for a beautiful backdrop. The game will also be playable via local co-op if a controller is around that can be plugged into your PC.
The non-profit project will be released for free when completed.
are you excited for the Re-Imagining? How about the Remake? More importantly what’s your favorite Final Fantasy that they need to remake? let us know in the comments!