We’ve also got the Black Eagles, Blue Lions, and Church of Seiros faculty members covered if you’re looking for those.

We’ve listed each character, followed by their favorite tea, the correct conversation topics, and then the potential fourth conversation point and the correct responses for each.

All Golden Deer Tea Time Responses


Favorite tea: Almyran Pine Needle Blend Correct conversation topics: Reliable allies Monastery mysteries The library’s collection Capable comrades The last battle Overcoming weaknesses A new gambit You seem well I’m counting on you Past laughs Likeable allies Reliable allies A word of advice… Fodlan’s future Mighty weapons You seem different Exploring the monastery Ideal professor The existence of Crests Children at the market Our first meeting Heart-racing memories I heard some gossip Thanks for everything Hopes for your future Classes you might enjoy Things that bother you Books you’ve read recently Equipment upkeep Celebrations Working together Evaluating allies Perfect recipes Mighty weapons School days Gifts you’d like to receive Guessing someone’s age A dinner invitation Gardening mishaps Food in the dining hall Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Being busy: Sip tea, Disagree Known for a while: Blush Wanting to know more about you: Nod Being a mystery: Disagree Outsider like me: Nod, Chat Too many mysteries: Nod, Praise My hometown: Nod, Laugh New poison mushroom: Laugh, Commend


Favorite tea: Southern Fruit Blend Correct conversation topics: Favorite sweets Shareable snacks Relaxing at the sauna You seem different You seem well Past laughs Food in the dining hall Things you find romantic Guessing someone’s age Gifts you’d like to receive Dreamy knights Cute accessories Hopes for your future Plans for the future The opera Things that bother you Heart-racing memories A place you’d like to visit Classes you might enjoy School uniforms I heard some gossip… School days Dining partners Reliable allies A dinner invitation Our first meeting First crushes The ideal relationship The courtyard couple You’re doing great work Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Asked about crying: Sip tea Always feeling safe by you: Nod Hearing herself talk: Nod Mind keeps drifting: Nod, Laugh Ever cried? Sip Tea Serious is boring: Nod, Laugh Go on a trip: Nod, Laugh, Blush


Favorite teas: Bergamot Seiros Tea Rose Petal Blend Correct conversation topics: You seem well You seem different Thanks for everything Heart-racing memories Roses Past laughs Overcoming weaknesses Fashion Tell me about yourself A new gambit Cute monks Evaluating allies Shareable snacks Dining partners School uniforms School days A dinner invitation Hopes for your future Your ambitions Likeable allies Gifts you’d like to receive A word of advice The opera Our first meeting Capable comrades A word of advice The existence of Crests Dreamy knights Cute monks Relaxing at the sauna Fodlan’s future Things you find romantic I’m counting on you The ideal professor Someone you look up to Monastery rules Exploring the monastery First crushes Working together Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Roses: Nod, Sip Tea You’re an interesting person: Blush, Laugh Nobles need a break: Nod, Praise A noble’s life: Disagree, Praise Rumors: Admonish, Sip Tea Following father: Commend, Praise, Chat Not as an equal: Disagree, Praise, Commend


Favorite teas: Almond Blend Ginger Correct conversation topics: Someone you look up to Overcoming weaknesses Cats A strong battalion Shareable snacks Perfect recipes Muscle growth Working together Training partners Things that bother you School days The last battle The opera You seem well Classes you might enjoy Cooking mishaps Close calls Tell me about yourself Past laughs You seem well Gifts you’d like to receive Children at the market Food in the dining hall Dreamy knights Favorite sweets Your ambitions I’m counting on you You’re doing great work Dining partners Thanks for everything Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Attending lectures: Praise, Chat, Praise Snack time: Admonish, Laugh, Commend Be a proper knight: Praise, Commend You’re shrimpy: Disagree, Laugh Taking after grandpa: Commend, Laugh Train together: Nod, Sip Tea If parents were alive: Sigh, Nod


Favorite teas: Dagda Blend Seiros tea Lavender Blend Correct conversation topics: A place you’d like to visit I’m counting on you Strange fish in the pond The courtyard couple Cats Capable comrades Gifts you’d like to receive Someone you look up to A word of advice Guessing someone’s age Thanks for everything Tell me about yourself Books you’ve read recently I heard some gossip Gardening mishaps Cute monks Monastery rules Monastery mysteries Things that bother you The opera Likeable allies Equipment upkeep Children at the market Overcoming weaknesses Mixing pigments Close calls Evaluating allies You seem different You seem well Working together Our first meeting The library’s collection The view from the bridge Classes you might enjoy Past laughs School days You’re doing great work First cruses Plans for the future Fodlan’s future Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Hobby: Chat, Nod Want to support my family: Nod, Praise Young and accomplished: Disagree, Sip Tea, Blush Letting me continue my art: Nod, Laugh, Praise Learn from you: Laugh Glad I came here: Laugh Responsibility for my future: Commend, Praise


Favorite teas: Sweet Apple Blend Southern Fruit Blend Crescent Moon Blend Correct conversation topics: A dinner invitation Hopes for your future School uniforms Monastery rules Monastery mysteries Cats Classes you might enjoy A new gambit Books you’ve read recently Likeable allies Tell me about yourself The existence of Crests Capable comrades Strange fish in the pond Fashion Evaluating allies The library’s collection The thrill of sweets Working together The ideal professor Plans for the future Cooking mishaps Favorite sweets Fodlan’s future Relaxing at the sauna Your ambitions School days Shareable snacks A place you’d like to visit Someone you look up to Thanks for everything Gifts you’d like to receive I’m counting on you I heard some gossip Past laughs Overcoming weaknesses Perfect recipes The last battle You seem different Your ambitions Food in the dining hall Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Livening up: Chat Ghosts: Laugh, Chat Who I would be: Laugh, Disagree Things that don’t yield results: Chat, Admonish Eating sweets: Nod, Laugh Worth my time: Laugh, Blush For freedom: Chat, Nod If not for Crests: Chat, Sigh, Praise Empty my mind: Nod, Sip Tea, Laugh


Favorite teas: Four-spice Blend Angelica Tea Correct conversation topics:  Gifts you’d like to receive Hopes for your future A dinner invitation A new gambit Shareable snacks A strong battalion Capable comrades A word of advice Books you’ve read recently Someone you look up to Jeralt Mighty weapons Past laughs Children at the market The view from the bridge Monastery mysteries Monastery security Classes you might enjoy Plans for the future I heard some gossip I’m counting on you Tell me about yourself Thanks for everything The ideal professor The last battle Our first meeting Equipment upkeep Close calls Fodlan’s future Food in the dining hall Evaluating allies Reliable allies School days Exploring the monastery Potential training partners Your ambitions You seem well You seem different You’re doing great work

Fourth conversation point and correct responses: Not throwing things away: Nod, Commend Feel bad for acting out: Laugh, Disagree, Chat Training alone: Praise, Nod, Sigh Not interested in romance: Chat, Commend, Praise Don’t want to lose: Admonish, Commend Keep with your training: Nod, Commend Greatest apprentice: Nod, Praise


Favorite tea: Lavender Blend Correct conversation topics: Cats Our first meeting A word of advice A dinner invitation Forest birds… Overcoming weaknesses Likeable allies Monastery rules Existence of Crests The library’s collection Exploring the monastery Books you’ve read recently Children at the market Thanks for everything School days Tell me about yourself The ideal professor Strange fish in the pond You seem different Hopes for your future Fourth conversation point and correct responses: She brings misfortune: Disagree, Chat, Admonish She’s boring: Admonish, Disagree Don’t know what to say: Chat, Praise Waste to spend time with me: Disagree Not as bad as me: Nod, Sigh Doesn’t want me: Praise, Chat

Almyran Pine Needle Blend

Reliable allies Monastery mysteries The library’s collection Capable comrades The last battle Overcoming weaknesses A new gambit You seem well I’m counting on you Past laughs Likeable allies Reliable allies A word of advice… Fodlan’s future Mighty weapons You seem different Exploring the monastery Ideal professor The existence of Crests Children at the market Our first meeting Heart-racing memories I heard some gossip Thanks for everything Hopes for your future Classes you might enjoy Things that bother you Books you’ve read recently Equipment upkeep Celebrations Working together Evaluating allies Perfect recipes Mighty weapons School days Gifts you’d like to receive Guessing someone’s age A dinner invitation Gardening mishaps Food in the dining hall

Being busy: Sip tea, Disagree Known for a while: Blush Wanting to know more about you: Nod Being a mystery: Disagree Outsider like me: Nod, Chat Too many mysteries: Nod, Praise My hometown: Nod, Laugh New poison mushroom: Laugh, Commend

Southern Fruit Blend

Favorite sweets Shareable snacks Relaxing at the sauna You seem different You seem well Past laughs Food in the dining hall Things you find romantic Guessing someone’s age Gifts you’d like to receive Dreamy knights Cute accessories Hopes for your future Plans for the future The opera Things that bother you Heart-racing memories A place you’d like to visit Classes you might enjoy School uniforms I heard some gossip… School days Dining partners Reliable allies A dinner invitation Our first meeting First crushes The ideal relationship The courtyard couple You’re doing great work

Asked about crying: Sip tea Always feeling safe by you: Nod Hearing herself talk: Nod Mind keeps drifting: Nod, Laugh Ever cried? Sip Tea Serious is boring: Nod, Laugh Go on a trip: Nod, Laugh, Blush

Bergamot Seiros Tea Rose Petal Blend

You seem well You seem different Thanks for everything Heart-racing memories Roses Past laughs Overcoming weaknesses Fashion Tell me about yourself A new gambit Cute monks Evaluating allies Shareable snacks Dining partners School uniforms School days A dinner invitation Hopes for your future Your ambitions Likeable allies Gifts you’d like to receive A word of advice The opera Our first meeting Capable comrades A word of advice The existence of Crests Dreamy knights Cute monks Relaxing at the sauna Fodlan’s future Things you find romantic I’m counting on you The ideal professor Someone you look up to Monastery rules Exploring the monastery First crushes Working together

Roses: Nod, Sip Tea You’re an interesting person: Blush, Laugh Nobles need a break: Nod, Praise A noble’s life: Disagree, Praise Rumors: Admonish, Sip Tea Following father: Commend, Praise, Chat Not as an equal: Disagree, Praise, Commend

Almond Blend Ginger

Someone you look up to Overcoming weaknesses Cats A strong battalion Shareable snacks Perfect recipes Muscle growth Working together Training partners Things that bother you School days The last battle The opera You seem well Classes you might enjoy Cooking mishaps Close calls Tell me about yourself Past laughs You seem well Gifts you’d like to receive Children at the market Food in the dining hall Dreamy knights Favorite sweets Your ambitions I’m counting on you You’re doing great work Dining partners Thanks for everything

Attending lectures: Praise, Chat, Praise Snack time: Admonish, Laugh, Commend Be a proper knight: Praise, Commend You’re shrimpy: Disagree, Laugh Taking after grandpa: Commend, Laugh Train together: Nod, Sip Tea If parents were alive: Sigh, Nod

A place you’d like to visit I’m counting on you Strange fish in the pond The courtyard couple Cats Capable comrades Gifts you’d like to receive Someone you look up to A word of advice Guessing someone’s age Thanks for everything Tell me about yourself Books you’ve read recently I heard some gossip Gardening mishaps Cute monks Monastery rules Monastery mysteries Things that bother you The opera Likeable allies Equipment upkeep Children at the market Overcoming weaknesses Mixing pigments Close calls Evaluating allies You seem different You seem well Working together Our first meeting The library’s collection The view from the bridge Classes you might enjoy Past laughs School days You’re doing great work First cruses Plans for the future Fodlan’s future

Hobby: Chat, Nod Want to support my family: Nod, Praise Young and accomplished: Disagree, Sip Tea, Blush Letting me continue my art: Nod, Laugh, Praise Learn from you: Laugh Glad I came here: Laugh Responsibility for my future: Commend, Praise

Sweet Apple Blend Southern Fruit Blend Crescent Moon Blend

A dinner invitation Hopes for your future School uniforms Monastery rules Monastery mysteries Cats Classes you might enjoy A new gambit Books you’ve read recently Likeable allies Tell me about yourself The existence of Crests Capable comrades Strange fish in the pond Fashion Evaluating allies The library’s collection The thrill of sweets Working together The ideal professor Plans for the future Cooking mishaps Favorite sweets Fodlan’s future Relaxing at the sauna Your ambitions School days Shareable snacks A place you’d like to visit Someone you look up to Thanks for everything Gifts you’d like to receive I’m counting on you I heard some gossip Past laughs Overcoming weaknesses Perfect recipes The last battle You seem different Your ambitions Food in the dining hall

Livening up: Chat Ghosts: Laugh, Chat Who I would be: Laugh, Disagree Things that don’t yield results: Chat, Admonish Eating sweets: Nod, Laugh Worth my time: Laugh, Blush For freedom: Chat, Nod If not for Crests: Chat, Sigh, Praise Empty my mind: Nod, Sip Tea, Laugh

Four-spice Blend Angelica Tea

Gifts you’d like to receive Hopes for your future A dinner invitation A new gambit Shareable snacks A strong battalion Capable comrades A word of advice Books you’ve read recently Someone you look up to Jeralt Mighty weapons Past laughs Children at the market The view from the bridge Monastery mysteries Monastery security Classes you might enjoy Plans for the future I heard some gossip I’m counting on you Tell me about yourself Thanks for everything The ideal professor The last battle Our first meeting Equipment upkeep Close calls Fodlan’s future Food in the dining hall Evaluating allies Reliable allies School days Exploring the monastery Potential training partners Your ambitions You seem well You seem different You’re doing great work

Not throwing things away: Nod, Commend Feel bad for acting out: Laugh, Disagree, Chat Training alone: Praise, Nod, Sigh Not interested in romance: Chat, Commend, Praise Don’t want to lose: Admonish, Commend Keep with your training: Nod, Commend Greatest apprentice: Nod, Praise

Cats Our first meeting A word of advice A dinner invitation Forest birds… Overcoming weaknesses Likeable allies Monastery rules Existence of Crests The library’s collection Exploring the monastery Books you’ve read recently Children at the market Thanks for everything School days Tell me about yourself The ideal professor Strange fish in the pond You seem different Hopes for your future

She brings misfortune: Disagree, Chat, Admonish She’s boring: Admonish, Disagree Don’t know what to say: Chat, Praise Waste to spend time with me: Disagree Not as bad as me: Nod, Sigh Doesn’t want me: Praise, Chat

That’s everything for the perfect tea time with the Golden Deer House. Be sure to check out our other Fire Emblem: Three Houses guides to help you make the most of your time in Fodlan.